Thursday, September 01, 2005

Today was a big turnaround. They are going to fix my driver's side windshield while I am at school. I should get the rest of my truck fixed within the week. I went to bed at 9 last night because I was so exhausted. I got up at 4 this morning, and got a lot of work done before school.

Classes are going well. I basically just have a line of work for my students to do. The teacher term for it is "differentiation" but it's basically just letting students work at their own pace. "Martin" is about 25% as far through the line of work as "Freddie," who is my smartest student. Both Martin and Freddie work hard. When it comes to grades, Freddie will get a slightly better grade. The trick is to keep all students working all the time. Needless to say, that is very difficult. I pretty much spend the class period walking from student to student, answering questions, and keeping them on task. It's exhausting, but discipline is less of an issue when each student always has something to do.

When my students ask me a question, I usually respond with a question. My students get so annoyed with it, but I think it is sort of becoming my style. There is a time for just giving the answer, but my students are too used to that sort of treatment. It's so much better when you push them and then they discover the answer on their own. But sometimes they just give you a blank stare. I hate that stare.

Well, tomorrow is Friday and a three day weekend. I am looking forward to sleeping.


Blogger Dasher said...

Glad to hear that things have gotten a little better. I tried to call you the other day on your cell but I got a "call cannot be completed as dialed". I'm not sure if you lost your phone in the car theft. Did you get a new number? Enjoy getting some well deserved rest this weekend.

9:31 PM


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