Thursday, September 08, 2005

I love my students even when they are bad. In fact, the bad ones are often the ones who really get to my heart. The truth is, they are all good kids. Even "Daniel," a freshmen who always walks in with a sour look on his face and sort of scares me. Let me just repeat that for all those out there who think these kids are unsavable. They are all good kids.

They're just getting f***ed. Their school is disorganized and under equipped. Many of their parents are dead or in jail. Drugs are all over the place, and their culture reinforces young motherhood and gansterism. I am finding out that my "worst" students are also the ones who have had to deal with most of these problems. "Shatha" has skipped about 80% of class periods. He seems to lack all motivation. Both his parents died of AIDS. "Shandra" is defiant and downright mean sometimes. Her father killed her uncle, and just got out of jail. I don't even know what's up with my freshmen "Daniel," but I have a feeling he's been through a lot more shit than I have.

Generally, things are going well for me. I have more time for myself now that I'm into a groove. My students are done with the Constitution. Now we are moving into civil liberties, and I am really excited to teach it. I played three sets with Alex this evening. I am glad tomorrow is Friday. I plan on grading and laying low this weekend.


Blogger Rog said...

Its good to hear the positive progression that you've had in teaching. I'm envious about the tennis as I havent been able to find a game here, tennis in a place like Miami must be sweaty and great. What observations have you about the Miami-Dade area? Although you've probably spent most of your time near your school, it would be cool to hear about your impressions of living in south florida.

9:51 PM

Blogger EduceParadigm said...

I just wanted to say that I love your blog. It's very cool that you are touching these kids' lives. Harlan directed me to your blog (I work with him at Hitachi). I actually briefly met you once right before you left at Mo and Charla's party. Both my parents are high school teachers so I know I'll be commenting and thought I'd introduce myself.

11:52 PM


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