I have been experimenting with role plays in my classes. The students like them, and they seem to learn from them. They are fun for me, because I get to use some creativity and humour in creating them.
Creating The Constitution
Scene 1: Philly, 1787
Virginia: Man, we beat those English up dawg! We got some problems though. Our country isn’t doing so great.
New Jersey (NJ): True. The Articles of Confederation are whack. Each of the states tries to do their own thang, and ain’t nobody in charge.
Virginia: Yeah, we gotta establish a government that divides power between the States and the National Government . . .
NJ: That’s Federalism.
Virginia: And also has three branches that will keep each other in check.
NJ: That’s the legislative (AKA Congress), the Executive (AKA the Prez), and the Judicial (AKA the Supreme Court).
Virginia: We are agreeing on a lot of stuff NJ.
NJ: I feel the same way. Let’s go get a drink homey.
Virginia: Aight then.
Scene 2: In Da Club: Philly, 1787
NJ: Cheers to agreeing on so much.
Virginia: Right on! [NJ and Virginia toast each other]. Now, about the legislative branch…
NJ: You mean Congress?
Virginia: Yeah, same thing. I think their should be 2 houses of Congress. It should be bicameral.
NJ: Hold up.
Virginia: Let me finish. There will be two (2) houses. Each state will get representation based on their population and how much cash they give to the National Government.
NJ: You selfish punk!
Virginia: Excuse me?
NJ: You would want it to be that way. That way large states like you will have the power. How can states like me and my homey Delaware compete? We don’t have large populations or too much cash. Each state should have equal representation.
Virginia: Well. . . tough luck.
NJ: I should backhand you!
[Connecticut enters and gets in between Virginia and New Jersey]
Connecticut: Stop this violence brothas! Where is the love?
Virginia: But he wants to have equal representation. C’mon Connecticut, obviously big states should have big power.
NJ: Whateva Virginia! Power should be equal so big bullies like you don’t dominate the Congress.
Connecticut: Please boys, stop the hate! We must compromise. You know what compromise means?
Virginia: Of course! It’s when you agree.
NJ: Yeah, when you settle a conflict.
Connecticut: Well, I gotta compromise for you two knuckleheads. We’ll have 2 houses. We’ll call one the Senate. Representation in the Senate will be equally divided among the states.
NJ: I like that.
Connecticut: And Virginia, the other house will be called the House of Representatives. Representation in the House will be decided by population.
Virginia: I like that.
Connecticut: Aight guys?
NJ: Aight then.
Virginia: Aight.
[Virginia and NJ give a high five]