Saturday, September 17, 2005

Friday was progress report day. The students carry their reports with them for the day, and each teacher fills it out during their class periods. It was very mellow, because I saw each of my classes for about 50 minutes, and they did independent work while I took care of the paperwork. Even my freshmen were relatively mellow for most of the period.

"Linden" is one of my freshmen who keeps me up at night. I am not sure what happened to his parents, but he lives with his older sister. He can be charming, but he has a very bad attitude sometimes. He goes back and forth between trying to please and insisting on being defiant. I heard him swearing on Friday so I told him he would stay for a minute with me after class. He said, "F*** that." When I said, "Excuse me?" he said, "F*** that, F*** this class, and F*** you." I took him in the hallway immediately and told hime I would be calling home. He told me he didn't give a F***.

I was sitting next to him with three minutes to go on the side table. He asked me why I was sitting so close to him, and I said it was because I liked him. "Tanesha" snickered, and I heard someone say something about me being gay. Then, Linden seemed to snap. "Are you gay Mr. Moore?" he said. "Totally innapropriate," I responded. He mimicked me..."Totally innapropriate," he said. I ignored him, but all of a sudden he was in my face. "Do you like pussy Mr. Moore?" I was shocked. I had no idea how to respond because I really didn't expect this sort of behavior from Linden. He continued. "I bet you have a small dick," he said. I just looked at him, and grabbed his arm. He struggled a little bit and the bell rang. I tried to restrain him from leaving, but he got away. I am calling his sister this weekend, and I am not allowing him back in until we have a conference and he gives me a sincere apology.

A lot of my students think I'm gay. I'm not the picture of masculinity that they are used to. I am white, nice, respectful towards women, and some of my physical motions can be on the effeminate side. My students are used to men who are stoic and physical. I am neither, and I think it throws them off. Linden's behavior would have sent me into tears a month ago, but it hardly phased me at all on Friday. That sort of thing just rolls off me now. My armour is pretty thick.


Blogger Zack said...

Your blog often reminds me of the quote from the movie poster for the movie "Magnolia". The poster said "Things fall down; people stand up".

Keep on.

5:59 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

John you impress me more and Moore! You are years ahead of the world. Keep being exactly who you are. These kids like you, hell they may even learn to love you. I hope they do because you deserve it, keep up the work.

Oh yeah...F*** THOSE LITTLE F***ING MOTHERF***ERS!! :)

5:49 PM

Blogger Dasher said...

I think I told you the wrong movie the other day. The movie that seems parallel to your situation is Stand and Deliver. It was good talking to you the other day, John. Stay strong and don't let these little sh**s get under your skin.

12:33 PM

Blogger Westley said...


Just wanted to let you know that even though I don't comment much, I read your blog and respect your work and your depiction of it.

Keep in touch man.

9:45 PM


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